Male intimate wax, back sack and crack, back wax, chest wax



Waxing gently removes hair from the root so it takes longer for hair to grow back. There is less irritation and no cuts compared to shaving and its ideal for sensitive skin. Not only does waxing remove hair, but it also exfoliates dead skin cells. Over time, hair grows finer and thinner and your skin will be look better. I use the best quality wax to ensure a good result with minimum discomfort. I get a lot of questions about waxing, I have answered the main ones below.



 Full Back
 Full Back & Shoulders
 Chest & Torso
 Ears or Nose or Brows
 Penis & Testicles
 Cheeks & Crack
 Cheeks,Crack,Testicles & Penis


Combined treatments or to add a massage - please text.

Durham wax, Gateshead, Newcastle, Sunderland waxing, Washington wax, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear wax


Crack wax, penis wax